The Life and Times of Hubert Brooks M.C. C.D. A Canadian Hero
Chapter 15: August 1965 to July 1967 : R.C.A.F. Radar Station Moisie, Quebec
I was assuming command from S/L J. Beaudet who had been CO since July 1963 and who had retired from the military several months previous to my arrival.
S/L Beaudet had left S/L Ralph MacWilliam in temporary command.
Ralph had been the 2nd pilot on the Wellington with me that was shot down over Hamburg Germany in
April 1942. All these years later we were to re–unite together for the first time and he'd be working for me as my number 2 in Moisie.
My job was not only overall Base management but also to engage and positively portray the Canadian Armed Forces within
the community.
The Sept Iles newspaper L'Avenir covered the 17–Aug–1965 change–in–command ceremony
(L'Avenir page 12 19–Aug–1965
Ref: 15.7
Marion MacWilliam, Birthe Brooks, Jean Ratté
W/C Brooks emerges from Car at Start of Change of Command Ceremony;
While Airmen Stand Ready for Inspection
PHOTO Courtesy: Hubert Brooks Private Collection
S/L Ralph MacWilliam Inspects Airmen prior to Command Transfer;
W/C Hubert Brooks enters Parade Ground to Take Salute from Acting CO S/L Ralph MacWilliam
PHOTO Courtesy: Hubert Brooks Private Collection
W/C H. Brooks 2nd left, S/L R. McWilliam 3rd from left – 3 radar domes can be seen in the background;
W/C Hubert Brooks takes salute as Station Airman led by S/L Ralph MacWilliam March Past
PHOTO Courtesy: Hubert Brooks Private Collection
S/L R. McWilliam first signs transfer of command document for RCAF Moisie followed by W/C Hubert Brooks
PHOTO Courtesy: Hubert Brooks Private Collection
The Life and Times of Hubert Brooks M.C. C.D.
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