Less We Forget Poppy

The Life and Times of Hubert Brooks M.C. C.D.
A Canadian Hero

Less We Forget Poppy



A9.3.1 Hubert Brooks One of Original Signators on Petition to Make LaFleche a Town

According to the Wikepedia Web Site for the Town of Lafleche, Saskatchewan; (double click link) Hubert Brooks was one of the 16 original signators to a petition to have Lafleche incorporated as a village - which it was in 1913.

Image of Original Document for:
(Hubert Brooks was a signator see 5th name)
It is thought that Hubert Brooks was "the" or "one of the" principal instigators of this PETITION based on his prior experience for petitioning for the formation of the village of St. John N.D. in 1903.

PHOTO Courtesy: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Copy of Original Document for PETITION for ERECTION of VILLAGE of LAFLECHE, SK
Copy of Original Document for PETITION for ERECTION of VILLAGE of LAFLECHE, SK 2 Signatures

The original signators of the petition were:

D. A. Murphy / Pool Hall

Wm Begin / Residence

Tom Murphy / Agent

Arthur Brunelle / Residence

Hubert Brooks / Residence

D.J. Toland / Insp. Agent

J. Bourke / Clerk

T.H. Bourassa / Merchant

John Dengler / Feed & Livery

Louis Renville / Restaurant

Joe Delgatty / Pool Hall

George Lonsbury / Barber

Henri DuChesne / Doctor

Charles E. Brunell / Feed Barn

A. Raherls / Impliment Dealer

A.W. Scott / Impliment Dealer

H.M. Bradford / Blacksmith

C.R. Racine / Bank of Toronto

? / Banker

A.C Burnell / Merchant

Oscar Ried Ball / Clerk

Royden E. Greig / Real Estate

A9.3.2 Hubert Brooks Co-Owns Hotel Metropole in Lafleche Saskatchewan

Hotel Metropole in Lafleche Saskatchewan was co-owned and operated by the Brooks Family with Frank Brunelle.
See Wikepedia Web Site for the Town of Lafleche, Saskatchewan; for reference to the Hotel Metropole.

The Turtle Montain Star newspaper clipping shown in Section 8.2 had this hotel as 3 storeys and 30 rooms.

Sons Alfred and Aimé helped Hubert run the Hotel Metropole.

PHOTO of Aimé Hubert Brooks sitting at the front desk of the Metropole Hotel Lafleche Saskatchewan
See Hotel Name on Cash Register

PHOTO Courtesy: Margaret (Brooks) Wallis
Aimé Hubert Brooks sitting at the front desk of the Metropole Hotel Lafleche Saskatchewan

A9.3.3 Brooks Residence in LaFleche

The Lafleche Town Hall records note that in 1914 Hubert Brooks and family lived on Lot 3 in Block 11 in LaFleche (see red dots on map).

1914 Map of Town of LaFleche Saskatchewan
Hubert Brooks Residence Shown Lot 3 in Block 11

PHOTO Courtesy: Mayor LaFleche Saskatchewan
1914 Map of Town of LaFleche Saskatchewan

A9.3.4 Town Life in LaFleche

1914 Map of Town of LaFleche Saskatchewan 1914 Map of Town of LaFleche Saskatchewan
A.N. Bourassa & Sons General Store in LaFleche
Metropole Hotel is Thought to be directly across the Street (2 Story Building on the left with Chimney)
To the Right of Bourassa Store Can Be seen the Pool Hall and then Real Estate Loans - Tom Murphy Propietor

PHOTO Courtesy: Paul LeBlanc of St. John N.D.
Picture of Bourassa and Sons Store in LaFleche Saskatchewan

IF indeed the assertion is correct that the Metropole Hotel was located right across the street from the A.N. Bourassa & Sons General Store, then just like in St. John, Hubert would be operating a business right across the street from his friend Bourassa. (as a side note, Clara T. H. Grégoire (b. Feb 6, 1893), daughter of Alphonse Grégoire, who in turn was the brother of Marie Grégoire Brooks, Clara had married Bourassa in Grand Forks and the couple had moved to LaFleche - so there was another blood relation "in town"). Also circa 1911 the Bedard's and MvNabb's (each of whom had married a Cyr daughter) moved to LaFleche.

In 1915, many new businesses opened up in the town of LaFleche.

A9.3.5 Moving On Again - Bluesky Alberta

In 1913, Alfred (Fred) Brooks left Lafleche to find his fortune in Alberta. The oft-repeated DREAM of Edmonton West ... "free land, where a man might become rich overnight, fertile land just waiting a man's plows, a land of temperate climate with the blessing of the Chinook, luscious grass belly-high to a tall horse, sod just waiting to be turned"...was just too irresitable for Alfred to ignore.

1913 Poster for Western Canada Where Crops Never Fail

In late 1915, early 1916 Hubert Brooks, wife Marie and young sons Joseph and Otto left LaFleche for Bluesky Alberta to join sons Fred and Aimé.

Marie Brooks discussed the Peace River move with her brothers Tancrede, Alphonse, and Siffroid Grégoire, and although they briefly considerd also moving to Peace River they elected instead to remain in Grand Forks County - a wise move as it would turn out.


The Life and Times of Hubert Brooks M.C. C.D.

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